Thursday, November 22, 2007


Story: Tim Dzamboe, Ho

The Celestial Church of Christ has celebrated its silver jubilee of establishment in Ho with a thanksgiving service at the St Peter’s Parish last weekend.
A weeklong activities including a health talk, gospel music show and an evangelistic crusade were held to commemorate the occasion.
Preaching the sermon at the thanksgiving service, the Superior Evangelist David Kanyi stressed the need for humanity to hold to the principles of peace, forgiveness and togetherness in order to move steadily to the throne of progress as a church and nation.
He called on all religious leaders to see to it that division, greed and other vices that caused division in the church, communities and nations were avoided.
Sup. Evangelist Kanyi admonished Christians to eschew hatred and enmity and should rededicate themselves as peacemakers as demanded by the teachings of the Holy Bible.
In a brief history of the church in Ho, the Most Senior Evangelist, Godwin Abisawu said the first missionaries suffered a set back when they were driven out from their first residence for no apparent reason.
He further said they faced two other ejections until they were able to stabilize at the present site through the miracle of God.
He said they encountered many challenges including sleeping without food in times of the austerity which hit the nation in 1983 adding that the church however started flourishing when new members were received by the sacrament of baptism.
Mr Abisawu said that despite the slow pace of development brought about by the troubles the Lord blessed the church on the new land and were able to acquire a set of band instruments.
The silver jubilee was dedicated to a fund raising for the construction of a nursery for orphans and other vulnerable children in the community. It yielded C12 million.

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