Friday, February 13, 2009


RESIDENTS who live along the Ho-Atimpoku and Ho-Hohoe highways have dug trenches on the road in their attempt to reduce the rate of motor accidents on the road.
As a result, they have destroyed bitumen-coated surfaces, compelling vehicles to drive at the bottom gear to avoid the knocking down of pedestrians.
On the Atimpoku road, bitumen surfaces have been truncated at Asikuma, Frankadua, Aboasa and Juapong to serve as speed ramps, while the people of Woadze on the Hohoe route have also truncated the road at several places to obstruct vehicular movement.
The people of Woadze took the action after a taxi ran into four pedestrians, killing them instantly.
On Wednesday, a Toyota Hiace bus veered off the road at Aboasa in the Eastern Region after running through one of the trenches in the town.
At the time the Daily Graphic got to the spot, victims had been conveyed to hospital, while the registration number plate of the accident vehicle had been removed.
There is, however, a huge public outcry against the action of the people in view of the obstacles it poses to vehicles and the cost to the nation in terms of road maintenance.

1 comment:

Nana Yaa Yeboaa said...

This was one of the issues that reaaly pissed me off. The government should have issued speed bumps when the roads with the road constructions. However they didnt. Aft6er three deaths in Aboasa, the elders of the village went to the ministry of transportation in the E/R of the country, they were ignored. When the young men took action, they were blamed. Action and reaction always go hand in hand . The lives of the inhabitants are more also important.

I am a citizen of Aboasa, and i have witnessed accidents i do not wish to talk about.